About keyword search


 All words described below in our DB will be effectively hit for keyword searches.

EcDNA definitions

Eblastp results against Swiss-Prot and RefSeq

(up to three definition & <1-E10)

EPfam results (<1-E10)

EPROSITE results

EGO (Gene Ontology) terms picked up from blastp and Pfam results.


 Search formula

EAny word that is too short is ignored. The minimum length of words that are found by keyword searches is four characters.

EMultiple words are combined with "AND" automatically.

EA character "*" matches any symbols. For example, "abc*" searches for words starting with "abc".

EKeyword search regards any sequence of true word characters (letters, digits, and underscores) as a word.


Search object for keyword search

ESwissProtFdefinition #, accession number, keyword #, OMIM number

ERefSeqFdefinition #, accession number, locus Id #, OMIM number

EPfamFPfam id, Pfam name #, Pfam description #, InterPro id
EPROSITEFsecond tree info #, PDOC number, third tree info #, PS number
EGene OntologyFGO number, term #, tree info #

# >=4 characters